
Ph.D. Program

The graduate program in economics is designed for full-time students who are seeking a Ph.D. The program trains economists for careers in academia, policy-making institutions, and the private sector by providing strong backgrounds in economic theory, quantitative research methods, and applied fields. The Ph.D. program has been classified as STEM (CIP Code 45.0603: Econometrics and Quantitative Economics). Requirements include coursework, comprehensive examinations, a thesis, and a one-year residence requirement. The course requirements consist of a first-year core curriculum and eight electives, for a total of 48 credits. The first-year program consists of core courses in Micro Theory(ECON7740–7741), Macro Theory (ECON7750–7751), Mathematics for Economists(ECON7720), Statistics (ECON7770), and Econometric Methods (ECON7772). This second year is devoted to electives. In addition to the Department’s own electives, students may take courses in the Carroll School of Management’s Ph.D. program in finance. All courses accepted for the degree are worth three credits, with the exception of the spring courses taken in the second semester of the first year: ECON7741, ECON7751, and ECON7772. These three courses are each worth four credits.

Students are required to pass written comprehensive examinations in MicroTheory, Macro Theory, and in two of the following fields: Advanced Micro Theory, Advanced Macro and Monetary Economics, Econometrics, Industrial Organization, International Trade and Political Economy, International Finance and Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, and Finance. Most exams are based on a two-course sequence on the subject matter. The Micro and Macro Theory comprehensives are offered twice each year in late May and late August. Students take them immediately after the first year and begin to write field comprehensives at the end of the second year.

All students accepted to the program are offered financial aid including tuition remission. Students can expect continued financial support for five years as long as they meet all conditions and achieve satisfactory progress toward the Ph.D. More information about the Ph.D. program and financial aid opportunities can be found at the graduate program menu option at

Admission Information

An online application for your convenience is located at the Graduate School of the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences Admission website. Any questions regarding admission requirements should be directed to For further information regarding the Ph.D. program, please contact Alexa Fattrosso at